Discover the films about finance that you can't miss! - icardnews

Discover the films about finance that you can’t miss!

If you work or deal with finances, you have to watch the films we will list below. The content portrayed in these films can provide tips and reflections that can impact our financial lives.


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Often a simple moment of relaxation like watching a movie with the family can lead to good laughs and good teachings too. What we will present in this article is that there are some films that have a good lesson to teach us.

Watching movies can be a very relaxing experience. This may be due to the calming effect it has on our minds. It’s also a great way to spend time with our loved ones. Of course, there are also many other benefits to watching movies.


Unfortunately, subjects related to finance, economics or resource management are not taught in schools and many people have difficulty understanding how some financial mechanisms, systems and operations work.

The complexity of the financial world can be overwhelming for some, especially if they don’t learn the basics of finance in school. For those who want to make informed decisions with their money, it is important to have a basic understanding of how the financial system works and how to identify fraud.


Some people unfortunately learn through practice and the hard way, sometimes not being able to save, getting stuck with abusive interest rates or even living in debt. You can never learn too much, right? Gather the whole family in front of the TV, make popcorn and watch the film options below that cover the topic of finance and learn a lesson from them.

Financial-themed films

Learning by watching a film will be easy, light and dynamic. Sometimes the comical way in which the subject is portrayed makes it easier to understand and we take the learning into life. See below some options that show how society in general deals with money.

The way we learn has changed drastically over the years, with new methods emerging to replace old formats. Education through films or comic books is one of these changes. Unlike a traditional book or lecture, this method is interactive and dynamic.

With the help of technology, we can watch movies and comics to learn about everything from math to history. The traditional classroom environment will soon be replaced as the primary learning environment.

Till Luck Do Us Part

This Brazilian-made film portrays the unrestrained spending of money in a comical way. The film’s main character lived a simple and modest life, and ends up winning a lottery prize. During the film he ends up making a series of wrong decisions about the best use of money, and between one mess and another he manages to lose all the money.

Not to mention that the drama of losing all the money involves frustration for everyone in the family. Expectations and dreams go “down the drain”. In addition to the guaranteed fun and laughter that the comedy will bring you, there is also a reflection on the best use of money, and if the main character had control and planning, he could have increased his assets, without having liquidated everything as it was. the case of the tragic history of cinema that is approached in a fun way. It’s worth watching!


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This film is surprising and even won an Oscar. The story is based on the drama of a family going through a difficult financial situation. Several people in the family do not have jobs and are subject to accepting the “underjobs” offered. The family works hard for a service for which they have no registration or employment relationship and receive very little for what they deliver.

Tired of the situation of extreme poverty, one of the children, a member of this family, had the opportunity to work in the house of a very rich couple through false information, the young man forged a certificate necessary to get the job. From the moment he starts working in the house of rich bosses, he is dazzled by people’s quality of life and decides to put all his family members to work in the same house.

The selection processes were based on forgeries, forgeries and fakes, all for money. We won’t spoil the ending of the film, but it is surprising. And it shows how far some people are willing to go because of greed.

The Founder

This film is very much aimed at those with an entrepreneurial mind. The film discusses how the brand of the largest fast food chain in the world, Mc Donalds, was created. It shows in a very practical way what the idea was to create the first establishment.

The company started very modestly and today has a large number of stores around the world, on practically every continent. The owners’ entrepreneurial vision and wise decisions have made them the most powerful and famous food chain in the world!

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Jennifer Johnson
Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson is a seasoned writer specializing in social media, technology, apps, and entertainment. With expertise in digital marketing analysis, she crafts insightful content that resonates with diverse audiences.