Do you use social media at work? Find out what the dangers of this action are - icardnews

Do you use social media at work? Find out what the dangers of this action are

Sometimes it seems harmless to take a look at work social media on your company computer, right? Find out what implications you may be subject to


Source: Google

Social networks are part of people’s lives. There is no age, distinction of race, religion or age. Most of the people you know are part of a social network, we are spending more and more time browsing this virtual environment.

It’s a fact. People spend more time online than ever before and the number of people connected through social media increases every day. According to a Pew Research study, 68% of American adults have at least one social media account. And if you’re an active user, you know that these networks provide hours of entertainment, news coverage, and emotional support for those who need it.


For some individuals, even spending long hours without accessing social media can be torture and they end up doing that famous “knack” of taking a look at their feed.

Many of us may never know what it’s like to give up social media, but for some individuals, spending long hours without accessing social media can be torture and they end up doing that famous “way” of checking their feed.


Some workplaces have very strict policies and completely prohibit the use of social accounts during working hours, use of the company computer for personal purposes, among others. Naturally, the company expects the employee to deliver their labor during the contracted period, concentrating entirely on their work activities.

If you believe that there is nothing wrong with checking your personal email, resolving a personal matter with the company’s corporate email, or updating the feed on the company PC, be aware that these actions can have some unpleasant implications for the employee . Discover the dangers of using social media at work.

Find out what conduct the company expects you to have

When we begin our journey in the corporate environment, it is very common for the hiring sectors to inform the code of ethics or code of conduct that the company expects the employee to have in the work environment.

It is important that the employee has a code of conduct or ethics, otherwise there is a possibility of having problems and being fired. A code of ethics or conduct allows the employer to know what the employee will and will not do in the workplace. This helps to avoid misunderstandings or disputes with superiors.

This manual will show you very clearly what the company accepts or does not accept from the employee’s attitude. Most of the time, the delivery of this manual is preceded by a document in which the employee signs as aware.

This document will show you very clearly what the company accepts or does not accept from the employee’s attitude. In most cases, the delivery of this manual is preceded by a document in which the employee

If you went through this procedure in your selection process. You must be very careful and, preferably, strictly follow the rules contained therein. From the moment the employee understands the rules that the company determines and signals that he agrees with these guidelines, he may be held responsible if he does not adequately comply with the specifications. And the implication may be nothing more than: like being sent away for just cause.

Using social networks on the company computer

Source: Google

Using a corporate computer to access your social networks can be very harmful. Firstly, because it’s very natural for people to start checking it out and, before they know it, they’ve already spent hours browsing their news feed. All this time is considered wasted, hours of work are being wasted.

The company pays for the worker’s working hours, if he is using these hours for his own purposes, he may be warned and if the situation occurs a few more times, he runs the risk of being dismissed for just cause. Remembering that it is not worth deleting your browsing history, thinking that this will erase traces.

Generally, company networks are monitored and all data can be easily saved on the company server. Companies have complete freedom to access your machine, and discover exactly everything you may be accessing. Therefore, avoid distractions.

Corporate email should only be used for work purposes

This is one of the biggest mistakes a worker can make. Use corporate email for personal purposes. The company email is practically a signature that bears the company name. Carrying out registrations, using email for personal purposes may, for example, link the company to some situations.

Not to mention that this attitude can be a gateway for corporate emails to receive spam containing viruses, which can cause major inconvenience for the company and work. The company can notify the employee and if the situation repeats, the employee may be dismissed for just cause.

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Susan Brown
Susan Brown

Susan Brown: Passionate about technology, apps, and social media, Susan is a seasoned digital marketing advisor. Her expertise lies in navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape, offering valuable insights and strategies for successful online presence.